Can I Drink Cappuccino During Intermittent Fasting?

Written by Andrew Brewer. ⚕️Reviewed and fact checked by our medical team.

can i drink cappuccino during intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is an excellent way to shed weight, but it could mean you have to forego your morning cappuccino.

Since intermittent fasting helps increase energy levels and improve mental clarity, you won’t need your morning cup of Joe. After you get used to going without your regular cappuccino for a few days, you might not miss it.

While on an intermittent fasting plan, you can’t consume any calories during your fasting window. There are a few intermittent fasting methods, and if you choose a daily one, you’ll have to avoid certain foods and drinks until your eating window. For many people, this means cutting out their morning lattes or cappuccinos.

Key Takeaways

  • When practicing intermittent fasting, it’s important to consume only beverages with no calories or nutrients during the fasting window.
  • Electrolytes are essential nutrients needed for optimal body function, and it’s important to maintain electrolyte balance during the eating window.
  • Coffee can be consumed in moderation during intermittent fasting, but drinking too much coffee may cause negative side effects like sleep disturbances and stomach upset.
  • Coffee smoothies can be a healthy and delicious alternative to specialty coffees during the fasting window.
  • Finding the best fasting method and using fasting apps can help improve chances of success and keep individuals motivated.

The Best Beverages for Your Fasting Window

You must stay hydrated while you’re on an intermittent fasting plan. Your body’s metabolic changes will cause you to lose fluids, so drinking plenty of fresh water is vital.

Only consume beverages with no calories or nutrients during your fasting window. Coffee and hot black tea are okay if you don’t add cream or sweeteners. You can also have mineral, sparkling, and flavored water, as long as they don’t have calories.

You must also maintain your electrolyte balance, which means you must consume foods and beverages that are high in electrolytes during your eating window.

The Importance of Electrolytes

Electrolytes are nutrients that your body needs for essential body functions. They are minerals that can carry an electrical charge.

Your cells carry impulses using electrolytes, which is how your body knows when to contract its muscles. They help you maintain a regular heartbeat.

You’ll know if you need electrolytes if your muscles start cramping or you’re craving salty foods. Drink beverages high in electrolytes, such as coconut water, milk, juices, and sports drinks. Pedialyte is another excellent source of electrolytes.

Try a Coffee Smoothie

The next time you need a specialty coffee fix, ask your barista if she can make you a coffee smoothie. Many espresso stands carry protein powders and will be happy to mix up a healthy alternative to your regular cappuccino.

You can also make your coffee smoothies at home. Use cocoa-flavored whey protein powder and strong black coffee blended with regular, almond, coconut, or oat milk to create a delicious mocha smoothie. Experiment with different recipes to make it fun.

As long as you avoid drinking your specialty coffees during your fasting window, you can have as many healthy alternatives as you want.

Risks Associated With Drinking Coffee During Intermitent Fasting

There aren’t many risks associated with drinking coffee during intermittent fasting, as long as you consume coffee in moderation. If you drink too much coffee, there may be negative side effects.

Some people experience improved sleep with intermittent fasting, but too much caffeine can cause sleep disturbances. Sleep is important to your intermittent fasting regimen, and avoiding coffee at least six hours before bedtime is recommended.

Coffee is also acidic, and too much while you’re intermittent fasting can cause an upset stomach. If you’re prone to gastric issues, or you’re trying to reset your digestive system using intermittent fasting, avoid drinking too much coffee. You might consider switching to cold brew coffee, which is less acidic.

Find the Best Fasting Method for Your Lifestyle

The key to success in intermittent fasting is finding a method that works well with your lifestyle. Then, you have to stick to it before you start seeing success. Finding the best fasting app can help improve your chances of success because it can help you stay focused.

Fasting apps can help you keep track of your eating and fasting windows and prompt you to log your meals and exercise routines. They also have fun features like badges and monthly challenges to keep you motivated.


  • Can I drink a cappuccino during intermittent fasting?

It depends on the type of intermittent fasting you are following. If you are doing strict water fasting, then you cannot drink cappuccino. However, if you are doing intermittent fasting with some flexibility, you can drink cappuccino with certain limitations.

  • What are the limitations of drinking cappuccino during intermittent fasting?

The limitations of drinking cappuccino during intermittent fasting depend on the type of fasting you are following. If you are doing 16/8 or 18/6 intermittent fasting, then you can drink a cappuccino during the eating window. However, if you are doing strict water fast, you cannot drink cappuccino during fasting.

  • Why is it important to avoid cappuccino during the fasting period?

It is important to avoid cappuccino during the fasting period because it can break your fast. Cappuccino contains calories, which can stimulate insulin secretion, and hence break the fast.

  • Can I drink black coffee during the fasting period?

Yes, you can drink black coffee during the fasting period. Black coffee contains negligible calories and does not stimulate insulin secretion, hence it does not break the fast.

  • Can I add sweeteners or creamers to my coffee during the fasting period?

Adding sweeteners or creamers to your coffee during the fasting period can break your fast. Sweeteners and creamers contain calories that can stimulate insulin secretion, hence it is not recommended to add them to your coffee during the fasting period.

  • What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting has several health benefits, including weight loss, improved metabolic health, improved brain function, and reduced inflammation.

  • Are there any risks associated with intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is generally safe for healthy individuals, but it may not suit everyone, especially those with underlying medical conditions. It is recommended to consult a healthcare professional before starting an intermittent fasting regimen.

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer started to give people the guidance that he never received when he was first starting. His goal is to make your goals achievable and to offer you only the best fasting apps that the internet has to offer. You're not on your own - Andrew and the entire family of reviewers at are here with you every step of the way!