Does Green Tea Break A Fast?

Written by Andrew Brewer. ⚕️Reviewed and fact checked by our medical team.

Does Green Tea Break A Fast?During intermittent fasting, you may be looking for different ways to break up the monotony. Since you can’t eat anything, drinking new things may be the next best thing. Coffee lovers can rejoice because black coffee does not break a fast, but what about those who prefer tea?

Can you drink green tea during intermittent fasting? Yes! You can drink tea as long as you don’t doctor it up. There’s a safe way to drink green tea during intermittent fasting, and here’s all you need to know so you don’t accidentally break fast.

Key Takeaways

  • Green tea can be consumed during intermittent fasting as long as it is not mixed with sugar, honey, or other sweeteners. These additions can break a fast by triggering metabolic responses in the body.
  • Green tea has several benefits that are compatible with intermittent fasting. It can increase energy levels, act as an appetite suppressant, aid in fat burning, and contribute to overall health and wellness.
  • Green tea contains caffeine, although in lower amounts compared to black coffee. It can provide an energy boost and help combat afternoon slumps or morning fatigue.
  • The natural hormones present in green tea can help reduce hunger cravings, making it a useful drink during the fasting window to sustain until the next meal.
  • Incorporating green tea into a daily routine, whether during fasting or regular periods, can lead to improved memory, reduced risk of diseases such as cancer, and other health benefits. It is a hydrating beverage with positive effects on overall well-being.

Green Tea and Intermittent Fasting

Green tea in itself does not have any calories, so it’s typically safe to drink when you’re intermittent fasting, though you’ll want to check your specific plan to ensure it’s acceptable. However, you’ll need to skip the honey and sugar if you prefer it sweet. Once you start adding things to the drink, it will break fast.

Some plans allow for no-calorie sweeteners, while others don’t because while they don’t have calories, they can still trigger a metabolic response in the body. This response technically will break fast, prompting your body to start the process all over again. Be careful with adding them, and if you have any doubts, it’s best to skip them. You’ll learn to enjoy your green tea without any additives in no time.

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

All of the fantastic benefits of drinking green tea regularly still count when you’re intermittent fasting, compounding the fact that you should be drinking this wonder drink.

Increased Energy

If you’re looking for an energy boost, you’re in luck! Green tea has caffeine, so it can help you if you’re feeling an afternoon slump or just looking to perk up in the morning. Keep in mind that it does have less caffeine than a black cup of coffee, but it will still get the job done if you need a pick-me-up!

Appetite Suppressant

Green tea has been used historically as an appetite suppressant, meaning that you’ll feel less hungry after you drink it. This is thanks to two naturally occurring hormones, so it’s a great drink to have when you’re craving food during your fasting window. It will help sustain you until the next time you eat.

Fat Burning

Another great benefit of drinking green tea is that it has been shown to help your body burn fat, which is critical during intermittent fasting if weight loss is your goal. Drinking green tea complements the processes that intermittent fasting triggers in your body, helping increase its effectiveness.

Improved Health and Wellness

Drinking green tea will also have an overall impact on you – improving memory, reducing the risk of cancer and other diseases, and so much more. Again, many things that people turn to intermittent fasting for are also benefits of drinking green tea, so it’s worth integrating this beverage into your routine.

So, Does Green Tea Break Fast?

On its own, green tea will not break your fast. Only when you start to add sugar, honey, and other sweeteners to it will green tea break fast. Be careful around no-calorie sweeteners. Some, while they have no calories, will trigger responses in your body, tricking your body into thinking it has broken fast.

Because of that, it’s best to avoid it when drinking green tea. There are many benefits to adding this drink to your daily routine, even when you’re not fasting. Not only will you feel more energetic and less hungry, but you’ll also feel an overall improvement in your health and well-being – all while staying hydrated at a crucial time.

So enjoy your green tea without guilt during fasting windows – it’s actually good for you!


  • Can I drink green tea while intermittent fasting?

Yes, you can drink green tea during intermittent fasting as long as it is consumed without any additives like sugar, honey, or other sweeteners. These additives can break your fast.

  • Does green tea have any calories?

Green tea itself does not have any significant calories, which makes it a suitable choice for intermittent fasting. However, it’s always a good idea to check your specific fasting plan for any restrictions.

  • Can I add no-calorie sweeteners to my green tea while fasting?

While some intermittent fasting plans allow for no-calorie sweeteners, others discourage their use. No-calorie sweeteners can potentially trigger a metabolic response in the body, which may break your fast. It’s best to err on the side of caution and skip them if you’re unsure.

  • What are the benefits of drinking green tea during intermittent fasting?

Green tea offers various benefits during intermittent fasting. It can increase energy levels, act as an appetite suppressant, aid in fat burning, and contribute to overall health and wellness. It complements the effects of intermittent fasting and helps with weight loss goals.

  • How does green tea compare to coffee during fasting?

Green tea contains less caffeine than black coffee, but it can still provide an energy boost and help combat fatigue. Both green tea and coffee can be consumed during fasting, as long as they are consumed without additives that break the fast.

  • Can I drink green tea outside of my fasting window?

Absolutely! Green tea can be enjoyed at any time, whether you’re fasting or not. It has numerous health benefits and can be a part of your daily routine to improve overall well-being.

  • Does green tea have any negative effects during fasting?

Green tea is generally safe and beneficial during intermittent fasting. However, it’s important to listen to your body. If you experience any adverse effects or discomfort after consuming green tea while fasting, it may be best to consult a healthcare professional.

  • Can green tea help with weight loss during intermittent fasting?

Yes, green tea can support weight loss efforts during intermittent fasting. It aids in fat burning and acts as an appetite suppressant, helping you stay on track with your fasting and weight loss goals.

  • Is green tea recommended for everyone during fasting?

Green tea is generally safe for most people, but individual reactions may vary. If you have any specific health concerns or medical conditions, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating green tea into your fasting routine.

  • How much green tea should I drink during fasting?

There are no strict guidelines on the exact amount of green tea to consume during fasting. It’s generally recommended to listen to your body and consume moderate amounts. Staying hydrated is important, so drinking enough water alongside green tea is also essential.

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer started to give people the guidance that he never received when he was first starting. His goal is to make your goals achievable and to offer you only the best fasting apps that the internet has to offer. You're not on your own - Andrew and the entire family of reviewers at are here with you every step of the way!