What Vitamins Should I Take?

Written by Andrew Brewer. ⚕️Reviewed and fact checked by our medical team.


If you are looking for information what vitamins should you take, then you are in the right place! Over the years, people have come to the conclusion that getting healthy and remain healthy is as simple as exercising and eating right. Many have also formed the opinion that consuming vitamins can provide them with the nutrients their body may not be able to acquire from their natural diet. Vitamins can be a great way for some to acquire additional nutrients and minerals that they would normally miss, but vitamins are no longer considered a necessity as they once were. In fact, extensive research has been concluded on vitamins and supplements. The conclusion was that many of these products aren’t beneficial at all and might even have negative results.

Some supplements have been linked to serious diseases and complications, such as cancer, kidney stones, and even a higher risk of death! How do you know which ones are worth taking and which ones should be avoided at all costs? Continue reading to find out.

Key Takeaways

  • Multivitamins may not be effective or helpful, and excess consumption of certain vitamins can be dangerous and increase the risk of death.
  • Vitamin D is important for bone health and can be obtained through supplements or exposure to sunlight.
  • Antioxidants, although believed to be effective for fighting off diseases, can actually be dangerous in excessive doses.
  • Vitamin C is not effective in preventing the common cold and excess consumption can be dangerous.
  • Probiotics’ effectiveness is still being questioned and may not be worth the high cost of supplements, so consuming yogurt can be a good alternative.


Many people absolutely adore the concept of multivitamins! They’re versatile and incredibly convenient, since they can provide the consumer with a handful of necessary vitamins and it comes in a single pill. What could possible go wrong? The truth of the matter is that multivitamins aren’t all that effective or helpful. Everything contained from multivitamins is most likely already acquired from your regular diet to begin with. So, you’re simply wasting your money on these products.

Secondly, it can be dangerous to consume an excess amount of one particular vitamin or another. Those that do so on a long-term basis will actually increase their risk of death! Despite the convenience of the multivitamin, they’re simply not worth it.

Vitamin D

Vitamins and supplements tend to be good in situations, where they’re unattainable within the foods you consume regularly. They’re also a good way to increase your intake, if you’re unable to acquire a sufficient amount of a specific vitamin from your diet. This is why it is a good idea to consume Vitamin D. This specific vitamin isn’t available in the majority of edibles you’ll consume on a daily basis, so you’ll need to acquire a little extra through other means. And, the vitamin is imperative, since it helps you absorb calcium and keep your bones strong.

Getting out in the sun can increase your vitamin D intake or you can simply consume the vitamin in capsule form each morning. Doing so is recommended and could potentially increase your lifespan!


Over the past five years or so, antioxidants have grown immensely in popularity. Much of the hype has been generated, by the fact that antioxidants are believe to be effective for fighting off specific diseases and illnesses, such as cancer. There are many different varieties of antioxidants and Vitamin C, A, and E are three of them. These specific forms are readily available and can be found within many fruits and vegetables. So, consuming antioxidants through pill form each morning isn’t a necessity and doing so can actually be dangerous!

In fact, studies have concluded that excessive doses of antioxidants can have devastating effective. A recent study found that male smokers, who took Vitamin A on a regular basis, were much more likely to develop lung cancer than those that didn’t consume the vitamin. Another study confirmed that consuming certain antioxidants, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and beta carotene, on a regular basis would potentially increase mortality. Suffice to say, antioxidants are best avoided.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a tricky subject, because so many people believe that this specific vitamin can help fight off the common cold. This rumor has been in circulation since the 1970s and originated with comments from chemist Linus Pauling. Certain over-the-counter products, such as Emergen-C and Airborne, have helped to keep the rumor alive and well even to this day. When it comes down to it, the hype regarding Vitamin C is simply a misconception and there are cheaper and easier ways to get a sufficient amount of Vitamin C.

A large number of studies have been conducted regarding Vitamin C being an effective common cold prevention. The results have uniformly found that this is simply not true. Another thing to consider is that consuming too much Vitamin C can be incredibly dangerous! Those that consume 2,000 milligrams or more regularly will make themselves a more likely target for kidney stones. Put away the pills and stick with strawberries and other edibles that contain Vitamin C. They’re delicious and much safer than the alternatives.

Vitamin B3

Over the years, Vitamin B3 has become somewhat of a miracle cure in many people’s minds. It has been credited for fighting an assortment of ailments ranging from heart disease to Alzheimer’s. Today, things have changed substantially. In fact, several recent studies have attempted to force doctors to stop over-prescribing the nutrient to their patients. Many people consume the nutrient, as a way to try and prevent strokes and heart attacks. Unsurprisingly, studies have shown that Vitamin B3 isn’t effective for that purpose. It simply doesn’t work.

And finally, consuming too much B3 will increase your risks of developing internal bleeding, liver complications and infections. Again, B3 should be avoided and is simply unnecessary.


Probiotics is another supplement, which has grown in popularity as of late. Manufacturers of the supplements have taken note and begun charging handsomely for their goods. What many people do not understand is that scientific studies and researches have called the effectiveness of probiotics into question. Some have declared them to be effective and helpful, while others suggest they’re nothing more than snake oil.

Until further research is able to clarify the effectiveness of these supplements, they’re best avoided. Just consume yogurt instead! It is delicious, available in various flavors and much cheaper.

Zinc May Spare You From Getting A Severe Bout Of The Common Cold

Vitamin C is very commonly taken to boost the immune system, since it is an antioxidant. Well, did you know that zinc can actually decrease your risks of developing a common cold? There have been several scientific studies revolved around the nutrients effect on the rhinovirus, which is associated to the common cold. According to these studies, Zinc is capable of reducing the common cold incubation period by several days and lessening the severity of the symptoms.

Vitamin E Toxicity Risks

Since, vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin, which means they are stored in the body tissues. While, everyone knows that vitamin E is classified as an antioxidant, which can boost the immune system and keep the body free of diseases. Many individuals will opt to take a vitamin E supplement, even though they receive a high quantity of this vitamin from the foods in their diet. This alone puts them at a risk for vitamin E toxicity, interfering with the natural coagulation process.

Instead of choosing a vitamin E supplement, you should alter your diet by adding vitamin E enriched green leafy vegetables and fruit.

Folic Acid Is A Necessity For Pregnant Women

Folic acid plays a huge role in the production of new cells. This very import vitamin B is a necessity for pregnant females, since this is the time when the body demands more nutrients. According to the NIH, females, who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, a daily dose of 400 mcg daily is a requirement. The growing fetus will consume the biggest portion of the nutrient intake, leaving the female vulnerable to a deficiency.

It has also been reported that neural-tube defects are linked to the lack of folic acid. By consuming the daily recommended dose, you can actually decrease the fetus’ risk of developing this life threatening birth defect.


  • What vitamins should I take?

Vitamins are essential nutrients that play a vital role in maintaining optimal health. A healthy and balanced diet is the best way to get the vitamins you need. However, supplements may be an option if you struggle to get all the nutrients you need from your diet.

  • What are vitamins?

Vitamins are organic compounds that your body needs in small amounts to function properly. They are essential for maintaining good health, and a deficiency in any of them can cause health problems.

  • What vitamins are essential for good health?

There are 13 essential vitamins that your body needs to function properly. These include vitamin A, C, D, E, K, and B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folate).

  • What are the best food sources for vitamins?

A healthy and balanced diet is the best way to get the vitamins you need. Foods rich in vitamins include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products.

  • Should I take a multivitamin?

You may not need a multivitamin if you eat a healthy and balanced diet. However, a multivitamin may be an option if you struggle to get all the nutrients you need from your diet.

  • Can I get too much of a vitamin?

Yes, it is possible to get too much of a vitamin. This can lead to vitamin toxicity, which can cause various health problems. Sticking to the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for each vitamin is important.

  • What are some signs of a vitamin deficiency?

The symptoms of a vitamin deficiency vary depending on the vitamin in question. For example, a lack of vitamin C can cause scurvy, while a deficiency in vitamin D can cause rickets. Some common symptoms of a vitamin deficiency include fatigue, weakness, anemia, and a weakened immune system.

  • Are there any risks associated with taking vitamin supplements?

Yes, there are some risks associated with taking vitamin supplements. Some vitamins can interact with medications, while others can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is important to talk to your doctor before taking any vitamin supplements.

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer started Fastingapps.com to give people the guidance that he never received when he was first starting. His goal is to make your goals achievable and to offer you only the best fasting apps that the internet has to offer. You're not on your own - Andrew and the entire family of reviewers at Fastingapps.com are here with you every step of the way!