What to Do When After Intermittent Fasting I Feel Insatiable Hunger?

Written by Andrew Brewer. ⚕️Reviewed and fact checked by our medical team.

What to do when after intermittent fasting I feel insatiable hunger

Intermittent fasting is a popular weight loss approach and has numerous other health benefits, such as reducing insulin resistance and your risk for certain diseases.

Simply put, intermittent fasting doesn’t change what you eat but when you eat. With an intermittent fasting plan, you split your day or week into fasting and eating periods to encourage your body to burn fat.

Any amount of fasting can cause you to feel hungry, especially when you’re starting intermittent fasting. Your body is accustomed to constant doses of sugars and carbs, and it takes time to adjust to intermittent fasting.

Key Takeaways

  • Start slow with intermittent fasting to help your body adjust to the changes. This can involve starting with shorter fasting windows and gradually increasing them over time.
  • Stay hydrated and focus on eating protein and fiber during your eating window to help reduce hunger and support your body’s needs.
  • Choose whole foods when breaking your fast to help maintain stable insulin and blood sugar levels.
  • Intermittent fasting can have numerous health benefits, including weight loss and reduced insulin resistance, but it’s important to start slowly and pay attention to your body’s signals.
  • While hunger pains can be difficult to ignore, drinking water, eating protein, and focusing on fiber can help keep you feeling full and reduce cravings during your fast.

Start Slow

It’s recommended that you start slow with intermittent fasting.

For example, if you have decided to use a time-restricted fasting technique but are worried that you can’t go 16 hours without food, then start with a 12-hour or 14-hour fasting window. You can ease your way into fasting and learn how your body reacts.

Also, starting with a three-day fast isn’t recommended. Hunger pains can be easier to ignore if you know that you only have to go a few more hours rather than wait a couple of days until your next meal.

You’re more likely to have success when you start with a realistic intermittent fasting method. To improve your chances of success, you should also try a fasting app. It might seem counterintuitive, but having a countdown to the end of your fasting window on your phone can be reassuring.

Curb Your Cravings During Intermittent Fasting

Hunger pains can be hard to ignore. Your body was designed to pay attention to them.

Drink Water

Not only do you need to stay hydrated during fasting, but you’re less likely to feel hunger pains if you drink plenty of water.

Drinking water helps by filling up your stomach and keeps your stomach from sending signals to the brain that it’s empty. Also, if you’re thirsty, your body can send mixed signals to your brain that you’re hungry.

Eat More Protein

What you eat during your eating window will play a significant factor in your fasting success. If you load up on junk food for 8 hours and expect that to carry you through the next 16 hours, you will be disappointed.

Your appetite hormones respond quickly to your blood sugar levels, and eating more protein helps stabilize your blood sugar levels. Plus, protein triggers satiety, and you’ll experience fewer food cravings.

If you’re using intermittent fasting to lose weight, there is plenty of evidence to show that high-protein diets combined with periodic fasting techniques can help you lose weight faster, and protein supports muscles, bones, hair, and nails.

Focus on Fiber

Foods that are high in fiber can help keep you feeling full longer because they help stabilize your blood sugar levels.

Choose whole-grain foods, such as brown rice and whole wheat flour. Other good sources of fiber are beans, legumes, and vegetables.

When you choose foods high in carbohydrates but low in fiber, such as white rice or pasta, your body digests them quickly, leaving you hungry before your fast is over.

When to Break Your Fast

If you’re on a time-restricted fasting plan, such as the 16:8 fasting method, your first meal every day will be when you break your fast.

The first foods you eat can either benefit or sabotage the effects of your fast. Gorging on refined carbs like donuts right after fasting for 16 hours will skyrocket your blood sugar levels.

Part of the reason fasting works is that it normalizes your insulin and blood sugar levels. You should stick to whole foods when you break your fast.

You don’t have to eat if you’re not hungry when it’s time for your fast to end. Your body switched to burning fat, and you can just let it keep doing its job.


  • Why do I feel insatiable hunger after intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting can cause fluctuations in hunger hormones, such as ghrelin, which can increase hunger. Additionally, consuming too few calories during your feeding window or restricting certain food groups can also lead to increased hunger.

  • How can I prevent feeling insatiable hunger after intermittent fasting?

You can prevent feeling insatiable hunger after intermittent fasting by consuming enough calories during your feeding window and avoiding overly restricting certain food groups. Additionally, you can incorporate more protein, fiber, and healthy fats into your meals to help you feel fuller for longer.

  • What foods should I eat during my feeding window to prevent feeling insatiable hunger?

Incorporating protein-rich foods such as eggs, chicken, or beans can help you feel fuller for longer. Foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can also help curb hunger. Healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, and seeds, can also help keep you satiated.

  • How can I manage my hunger during intermittent fasting?

You can manage your hunger during intermittent fasting by staying hydrated, drinking water or calorie-free beverages like herbal tea, and incorporating low-calorie snacks such as sliced veggies or fruit. Additionally, practicing mindfulness and listening to your body’s hunger cues can help you understand when to eat.

  • Should I break my fast early if I feel insatiable hunger?

Breaking you’re fast early is a personal decision, but it may be beneficial if you are experiencing intense hunger that is affecting your daily life. If you choose to break your fast early, it’s important to do so with nutrient-dense foods to ensure you get the nutrients your body needs.

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer started Fastingapps.com to give people the guidance that he never received when he was first starting. His goal is to make your goals achievable and to offer you only the best fasting apps that the internet has to offer. You're not on your own - Andrew and the entire family of reviewers at Fastingapps.com are here with you every step of the way!