Can You Drink Coffee During Intermittent Fasting?

Written by Andrew Brewer. ⚕️Reviewed and fact checked by our medical team.

Can You Drink Coffee During Intermittent Fasting

Everyone loves a good cup of coffee to wake up in the morning – some people depend on it. But what about while you’re intermittent fasting? Is it okay to have a cup of coffee in the morning while your fasting window is still open?

I have good news for all of the coffee drinkers of the world – drink away! Coffee won’t break your fast, as long as it’s plain. Let’s take a look at what makes coffee the perfect intermittent fasting drink.

Key Takeaways

  • Drinking black coffee is acceptable during intermittent fasting as long as it doesn’t contain added sugar or cream.
  • Coffee can be a helpful aid for curbing cravings and hunger during fasting periods.
  • It’s important to ease your body in and out of fasting, and drinking a cup of coffee can be a good way to help prepare your body for eating again.
  • Adding a small amount of milk to your coffee may help curb hunger without breaking your fast, as long as it doesn’t exceed the 50-calorie threshold.
  • It’s essential to stay hydrated during intermittent fasting, and drinking water throughout the day is also important.

No Added Sugar or Cream

While it is completely acceptable to drink coffee while intermittent fasting, it has to be black coffee. Plain coffee will be perfect for your system and won’t break your fast as long as you don’t drink it in excess. However, the second you add sugar or creamer to your coffee, you run the risk of breaking your fast. If you’re going to drink coffee while intermittent fasting, keep it plain.

It could also be a bad idea to have too much. The average coffee drinker drinks about 2 cups of coffee per day. 2 cups should be okay, depending on the type of coffee and what type of intermittent fasting plan you’re partaking in. As long as the coffee doesn’t surpass 50 calories, then you should be okay to have coffee throughout your intermittent fasting window.

Addressing Hunger and Cravings

For some, coffee is a fantastic aid to help curb cravings or bouts of hunger. Our brains tend to mistake hunger for dehydration, so if you’re ever feeling hungry while intermittent fasting, try to have a glass of water. If the water doesn’t satiate your appetite, then switch to something with a little more flavor. Coffee is a fantastic choice as it distracts your brain from the cravings.

In the morning, when the fast is likely about to end, coffee acts as a distractor while also offering the caffeine your body may need to wake up. Water is great to have throughout your fasting window, but coffee is recommended as a morning drink to help ease your way out of the fasting process. Plain coffee will help curb your hunger and tide you over until you can eat again.

Easing In and Out of Fasting

Transitioning from fasting to eating is much more difficult than it sounds. If you let your hunger overtake you, you could end up overeating which leads to gaining weight. Overeating once your fasting window ends is one of the leading causes of intermittent fasting weight gain. It’s important to ease your body back into eating once your fasting window ends.

Coffee is one of the best ways to do that. As you’re about to start eating again, it might be smart to drink a cup of coffee. This will wake up your body and prepare it for any upcoming meals. Once the eating window starts, you should transition from coffee to gentle foods like eggs or yogurt. After your system has woken up, you can start eating meals like normal.

Some Fats Can Help

One quick tip to leave you with: if you’re really struggling with hunger, you can add some milk to your coffee to help curb your appetite. A small splash of milk should be okay as long as you don’t surpass the 50 calorie threshold. This splash of milk will provide a small amount of fat which will help your body address the hunger without breaking your fast.

Don’t overdo it with the milk, though, as this could lead to breaking the 50 calorie threshold which would cause you to break your fast. Only add milk if your body really needs it and cannot last the remaining amount of fasting time.

Don’t forget to check our recommended intermittent fasting apps on this page to make your intermittent fasting journey easier.


  • Can you drink coffee during intermittent fasting?

Yes, drinking coffee is generally allowed during intermittent fasting. However, it’s important to be mindful of what you add to your coffee, such as sugar or cream, as they can break your fast.

  • What are the benefits of drinking coffee during intermittent fasting?

Drinking coffee during intermittent fasting can help reduce hunger and improve mental focus. It can also increase metabolism and fat-burning, aiding in weight loss.

  • How does drinking coffee affect insulin levels during intermittent fasting?

Drinking black coffee has little to no effect on insulin levels during intermittent fasting. However, adding cream or sugar to your coffee can cause an insulin response and break your fast.

  • What should you avoid adding to your coffee during intermittent fasting?

During intermittent fasting, it’s best to avoid adding sugar, cream, milk, or any other sweeteners or flavorings to your coffee, as they can break your fast and interfere with the benefits of fasting.

  • How much coffee can you drink during intermittent fasting?

There is no specific limit on how much coffee you can drink during intermittent fasting. However, it’s important to be mindful of the caffeine content and how it affects your body. For example, some people may experience negative side effects, such as jitters or anxiety, with excessive caffeine intake.

  • Can drinking coffee during intermittent fasting affect sleep?

Drinking coffee during intermittent fasting can affect sleep if consumed too close to bedtime. In addition, caffeine can interfere with sleep, so it’s best to avoid consuming coffee several hours before bed.

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer started to give people the guidance that he never received when he was first starting. His goal is to make your goals achievable and to offer you only the best fasting apps that the internet has to offer. You're not on your own - Andrew and the entire family of reviewers at are here with you every step of the way!