Can You Take Collagen During Intermittent Fasting?

Written by Andrew Brewer. ⚕️Reviewed and fact checked by our medical team.

Can you take collagen during intermittent fasting

Collagen supplements are very popular because they help improve your hair, skin, and nail health, promoting elasticity, strength, and thickness that will improve how you look and feel.

The effects of collagen supplements are actually found more than skin deep too. Collagen can help you improve the well-being of your tissues, keep your joints in good shape, and promote internal organ health.

Collagen is found throughout your body, and many people like to add a scoop of collagen powder with their black coffee to get the best results. As an added bonus, collagen is a protein, meaning it helps curb hunger. You’re tricking your body into thinking it’s eaten, so you won’t feel hungry. If it helps you skip meals, you should be able to take it while intermittent fasting without breaking your fast, right? Unfortunately, the answer is a little bit more complicated, and the jury’s still out if it’s okay to take while fasting. Strict schools of thought say no, while others say it’s fine. Here are both positions so you can make the right choice for yourself.

Key Takeaways

  • Collagen supplements are popular for promoting healthier hair, skin, and nails, as well as improving overall tissue, joint, and organ health.
  • When it comes to taking collagen supplements during intermittent fasting, there are different schools of thought. Some focus on calorie intake, while others focus on how the body processes energy.
  • If you follow a strict fasting regimen that focuses on calorie intake, taking collagen supplements will break your fast. This is because even small amounts of calories can impact autophagy, which is one of the key benefits of intermittent fasting.
  • However, if you focus on maintaining ketosis during your fast, taking collagen supplements that contain only collagen peptides and no carbs won’t impact your ketosis state. It’s important to read the label carefully to ensure that the collagen supplement won’t cause unwanted metabolic responses.
  • Ultimately, the decision to take collagen supplements during intermittent fasting is up to you and your specific fasting goals. It’s important to consider the impact of calories and other ingredients on your fast and make an informed decision based on your own needs and preferences.


Some intermittent fasters focus only on calories. If something has calories, no matter how few, then you’ve broken your fast. A scoop of collagen has about 35 calories – and if you mix it with black coffee – your “breakfast” will set you back about 40 calories. So yes, if you subscribe to this school of thought, then taking collagen will break your fast.

This is because it will impact autophagy, which is when the body gets rid of damaged or dying cells and replaces them with healthy new ones. This is one of the biggest benefits of intermittent fasting. You’ll force your body into autophagy, so while it may not feel like it at first, you’ll actually come out of your fast feeling healthier, in addition to losing weight.

Any amount of calories may delay your body’s ability to enter autophagy, which is why some intermittent fasters only stick to water during their fasting windows.


Instead of calories, some people focus on how your body processes energy. When your body doesn’t have enough carbs and sugars to burn for energy, it will start producing something called ketones by burning fat. This is one way that you lose weight during intermittent fasting. When your body is in ketosis, you’re burning your fat stores.

You can technically eat a few calories without breaking ketosis, and that includes some collagen supplements. You’ll want to check the nutritional label to ensure that your collagen doesn’t include other ingredients that would break ketosis. If it only includes collagen peptides and no carbs, it will not impact ketosis. If it does, find a new supplement if you plan on taking it during intermittent fasting or only take it during your eating windows.

So, Can I Take Collagen During Fasting?

The answer to if you can take collagen during fasting is up to you. If you’re worried about calories and potentially breaking autophagy, then you’ll want to hold off on the collagen supplements until your eating windows. If you’re more focused on keeping your body in ketosis and preventing any insulin triggers, then you can take collagen supplements while intermittent fasting as long as the supplements do not contain protein. Read the label carefully to prevent any unwanted metabolic responses in your body.

Collagen can help you look more youthful from the inside out, so it’s no wonder you want to take it during intermittent fasting. It’s your choice, but it will technically break a fast because it has calories, but since it doesn’t spike your insulin or break ketosis, do those 35 calories matter? No one can answer that question but you.


  • Can I take collagen during intermittent fasting?

Yes, you can take collagen during intermittent fasting if it contains no added sugars or calories that would break your fast.

  • Will taking collagen break my fast?

It depends on the type of collagen supplement you take. If it contains calories or sugar, then it can break your fast.

  • What type of collagen supplement can I take during intermittent fasting?

You can take a collagen supplement that contains no calories, sugar, or carbohydrates. You can also opt for collagen powder, which can be mixed into water or tea.

  • What are the benefits of taking collagen during intermittent fasting?

Taking collagen during intermittent fasting can help support skin health, joint health, and muscle recovery.

  • When should I take collagen during intermittent fasting?

You can take collagen at any time during your eating window, but it is best to take it with a meal to ensure proper absorption.

  • How much collagen should I take during intermittent fasting?

There is no recommended dosage for collagen during intermittent fasting. However, most collagen supplements recommend a daily dose of 10-20 grams.

  • Can I take collagen in a longer fast, such as a 24-hour fast?

Taking collagen during a longer fast is generally safe as long as it contains no calories or sugar that would break your fast.

  • Is it necessary to take collagen during intermittent fasting?

No, it is not necessary to take collagen during intermittent fasting. It is an optional supplement that can help support your overall health and wellness goals.

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer started to give people the guidance that he never received when he was first starting. His goal is to make your goals achievable and to offer you only the best fasting apps that the internet has to offer. You're not on your own - Andrew and the entire family of reviewers at are here with you every step of the way!