Does Fasting Extend Your Life?

Written by Andrew Brewer. ⚕️Reviewed and fact checked by our medical team.

does fasting extend your life

Intermittent fasting has been around for thousands of years. Its roots are religious, but now you can practice this meaningful lifestyle without any spiritual components. It wasn’t until the 1940s that scientists started studying the effects of intermittent fasting, and these studies have mostly continued on animal subjects throughout the years.

While more research is needed to determine the impact of intermittent fasting on human subjects, the results from animal testing are promising. They include weight loss, lowered cholesterol, decreased blood sugar, and more. It’s even suggested that intermittent fasting can impact longevity, meaning that you may live longer if you practice this powerful lifestyle.

Key Takeaways

  • Intermittent fasting has been shown to have many potential health benefits, including weight loss, improved heart health, and reduced risk of serious diseases.
  • Recent studies have suggested that intermittent fasting can impact longevity by promoting increased cellular function and repair, but more research is needed to fully understand the long-term effects on humans.
  • When practicing intermittent fasting, it’s important to focus on highly nutritious foods during eating windows and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise routine, especially if you have any medical conditions or are taking medication.

How Does Intermittent Fasting Make Me Live Longer?

A recent study suggested that intermittent fasting helped fruit flies live longer. It helped slow the cellular aging process. This may seem like a huge leap between humans and fruit flies, but our genes are more similar than you’d think. We have similar biological clocks and age in similar ways, so while the human body is much different than a fruit fly, it is worth exploring if intermittent fasting will have the same effect on humans.

Already, we know that it can make us lose weight. The calorie reduction can also improve heart health while reducing the risk of developing serious diseases. By extension, because our bodies are healthier, we have a higher potential to live longer. Fasting helps kickstart our body’s metabolism, but it also helps our cells repair, especially at night. Our cells will start self-cleaning themselves during autophagy, and during this self-regulation, they will begin to heal and recycle damaged cells.

All these benefits point to helping us live longer, which is a great additional benefit to intermittent fasting. Consider that the next time you’re struggling to make it through a fasting window.

How Many Calories Should I Eat for Best Results?

Intermittent fasting is more than just abstaining from food for a certain amount of hours. It’s also about what you eat when you’re not fasting. Some programs will limit your calories to 500 to 600 per day, while others are less restrictive. Some studies show that eating 900 calories is the sweet spot when intermittent fasting.

Focus on highly nutritious foods, like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and healthy oils during your eating windows. You want to maximize your protein, fiber, and fat intake to fuel your body’s base functions. Complex carbohydrates can also be great energy sources once your eating window is up. Intermittent fasting can help your body reset when done correctly, so while you can technically eat what you want when you’re intermittent fasting, that may undermine the process.

So, Does Intermittent Fasting Extend My Life?

More research is needed on humans to understand the long-term effects of intermittent fasting on the human body, including your longevity. Your lifespan will consider many different factors, including your family history, genetics, lifestyle, and more.

It’s suggested that intermittent fasting can impact your longevity, helping reduce risk factors for serious diseases while promoting increased cellular function and repair. It may be difficult to continue as you start your intermittent fasting journey at times. If you break your fast, it’s not the end of the world. It’s completely normal behavior for most journeys, so be kind to yourself.

As you look for motivation, consider that intermittent fasting has many benefits. Consult with your doctor before trying if you have any medical conditions or are on medicine. Fasting and a healthy diet and exercise routine can extend your lifespan under the right circumstances. Research is well underway to explore just how much intermittent fasting can change your life, but initial findings suggest it’s an invaluable resource.

Click here find our recommended fasting apps to make your intermittent fasting journey easier.


  • Can fasting extend your life?

There is some evidence to suggest that fasting may help extend lifespan in certain animals, but more research is needed to determine whether this is true in humans.

  • How does fasting potentially extend lifespan?

Fasting may help extend lifespan by triggering cellular processes such as autophagy, which can help repair damaged cells and tissues.

  • What are some other potential health benefits of fasting?

Fasting may help improve metabolic health, reduce inflammation, and improve brain function, among other potential health benefits.

  • What are some common fasting practices?

Common fasting practices include intermittent fasting, alternate-day fasting, and extended fasting (fasts lasting longer than 24 hours).

  • Is fasting safe for everyone?

Fasting may not be safe for everyone, particularly those with certain medical conditions such as diabetes. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting a fasting regimen.

  • How should I prepare for a fast?

It is important to properly prepare for a fast by gradually reducing food intake and staying hydrated. It is also important to have a plan for breaking the fast and returning to a normal eating pattern.

  • Can fasting lead to weight loss?

Fasting may lead to weight loss, but it is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen in order to sustain weight loss in the long term.

  • What are some potential risks of fasting?

Potential risks of fasting include dehydration, nutrient deficiencies, and low blood sugar, among others.

  • Should I try fasting to extend my life?

The decision to try fasting should be made in consultation with a healthcare professional, taking into account individual medical history and health goals.

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer started to give people the guidance that he never received when he was first starting. His goal is to make your goals achievable and to offer you only the best fasting apps that the internet has to offer. You're not on your own - Andrew and the entire family of reviewers at are here with you every step of the way!