How To Break A 72 Hour Fast?

How To Break A 72 Hour Fast?

Written by Andrew Brewer. ⚕️Reviewed and fact checked by our medical team.

How To Break A 72 Hour Fast?Once it’s time for your eating window, you’re ready. Maybe you’ve been dreaming about what you’re going to eat for days. Maybe you’re just going to eat whatever is at hand – no matter how greasy and unhealthy it may be. Unfortunately for you, you’ll want to avoid both of these approaches.

While they may feel good in the moment, you’ll quickly regret your choices as eating too much too fast can leave you feeling bloated, nauseated, and lethargic. There is a time and a place for these indulgences, but directly after a fast is not it. Instead, you should be more strategic about how you break your fast, especially after not eating for 72 hours.

Key Takeaways

  • Start slowly: After a 72-hour fast, it’s important to break your fast gradually. Begin with a small snack packed with nutrients, such as nuts or bone broth. Eating too much too quickly can lead to discomfort and feeling bloated.
  • Allow time for adjustment: Give your body time to adjust to regular eating by waiting for an hour or two after your initial snack before consuming a small meal. This helps prevent overloading your body with calories and allows your body to readjust to its typical eating schedule.
  • Prep your food in advance: To avoid making impulsive and unhealthy food choices after your fast, consider prepping your food beforehand. This includes portioning out snacks and meals, ensuring you have healthy options readily available when it’s time to break your fast.
  • Consult a doctor: If you have underlying medical conditions, it’s essential to consult with a doctor before attempting a prolonged fast like a 72-hour fast. Certain conditions, such as diabetes, may be negatively affected by fasting. A doctor can provide guidance on how to participate safely and how to properly break the fast.
  • Listen to your body: Everyone’s experience with fasting may differ, so pay attention to how your body reacts and adjust accordingly. Some individuals may not experience discomfort after eating, while others might. Find a fasting plan that works for you and take note of how fasting makes you feel in order to make necessary adjustments.

Start Slowly

You may feel like you’re starving when it’s finally you’re eating window – and in some ways, you were! Your body was breaking down its internal fat stores, cannibalizing its own deposits to turn into energy. However, eating quickly will not make you feel fuller quicker. Instead, it will leave you feeling bloated and uncomfortable.

When you are thinking about your first full meal after a 72-hour fast, you’ll want to break it initially with a small snack that’s packed with nutrients. Consider foods that are high in healthy fats, protein, and fiber. A handful of nuts or bone broth are great options.

Give yourself some time. If you feel good after an hour or two, you can eat a small meal. Again, you don’t want to eat too much too soon. Not only will you not feel great after, but you also don’t want to overload your body with calories.

You are letting your body adjust to returning to its typical eating schedule, and that includes your typical calorie intake. If you want to keep the weight loss going, you need to burn more calories than you eat. That can be hard to do if you binge eat immediately following a fast.

Prep your Food

One way to remove the temptation is to prep your food before you even fast. That way, when it’s time to break your fast, you can reach for your perfectly portioned snacks immediately. This can apply to your snacks and your meals. While it takes a lot of work upfront, it is worth it when you reach decision fatigue at the end of a fast.

You start out with the best of intentions; however, towards the end, you don’t care what you eat, just that you’re able to eat. After the haze lifts, you’ll feel much better if you’re able to stick to your original plan with prepared snacks.

Final Note on 72-hour Fasting

If you have any underlying medical conditions, you’ll want to consult with a doctor prior to participating in a prolonged fast like a 72-hour fast. This is because it may actually trigger issues instead of helping them. For example, diabetics can go into shock and turn hypoglycemic. Some medicines require you to take them with food.

A doctor can help you navigate how to participate in a 72-hour fast, as well as how to properly break it. At the end of the day, you can test out what works for you when you are breaking a fast. Some people may not face the discomfort that others do after eating; however, just be aware of how fasting may make you feel and adjust as needed.

Intermittent fasting is an incredibly powerful tool, and while it has been around for centuries, that doesn’t mean it will work for everyone. Make sure to pick a plan that works for you. Even if you do a 72-hour fast twice a month, it’s still enough to see results.


  • Is it necessary to break a 72-hour fast slowly?

Yes, it is advisable to break a 72-hour fast gradually. Eating too much too quickly can lead to discomfort, bloating, and feeling nauseated. Starting with a small snack that’s nutrient-dense, such as nuts or bone broth, helps ease your digestive system back into eating.

  • Can I eat whatever I want immediately after a 72-hour fast?

It’s best to avoid indulging in unhealthy or greasy foods immediately after a 72-hour fast. While it may be tempting, it can leave you feeling lethargic and may hinder your weight loss goals. Opt for healthier options and prioritize foods high in healthy fats, protein, and fiber.

  • How long should I wait before having a full meal after breaking a 72-hour fast?

After your initial small snack, it’s recommended to wait for an hour or two before consuming a small meal. This allows your body to adjust to the reintroduction of food and helps prevent overloading your system with calories.

  • Should I prepare my food in advance?

Prepping your food before starting the fast can be beneficial. By having portioned snacks and meals ready, you can avoid decision fatigue and make healthier choices. This preparation helps you stick to your original plan and prevents impulsive, unhealthy eating habits.

  • Can anyone attempt a 72-hour fast?

It’s important to consult with a doctor, especially if you have underlying medical conditions, before attempting a 72-hour fast. Certain conditions, such as diabetes, may be negatively affected by fasting. A healthcare professional can provide personalized advice and guidance on whether it’s safe for you to participate in a prolonged fast and how to break it properly.

  • What if I feel uncomfortable or experience adverse effects after breaking a fast?

Fasting affects individuals differently, and it’s important to listen to your body. If you feel uncomfortable or experience any adverse effects after breaking a fast, consider adjusting your approach. Pay attention to how fasting makes you feel and make necessary modifications to ensure your well-being.

  • Can intermittent fasting help with weight loss?

Intermittent fasting can be a powerful tool for weight loss when implemented correctly. However, it’s crucial to choose a fasting plan that suits your lifestyle and preferences. Consistency and creating a calorie deficit by burning more calories than you consume are key factors in achieving weight loss goals.

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer started to give people the guidance that he never received when he was first starting. His goal is to make your goals achievable and to offer you only the best fasting apps that the internet has to offer. You're not on your own - Andrew and the entire family of reviewers at are here with you every step of the way!