Why do bcaa break intermittent fasting

Why do BCAAs Break Intermittent Fasting?

Written by Andrew Brewer. ⚕️Reviewed and fact checked by our medical team.

Why do bcaa break intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting helps kickstart your weight loss, but what if you also want to build muscle while doing it? It can be challenging to work out while fasting, so you may be tempted to take BCAA supplements. Not only will they give you an energy boost, but they will also help you build  muscle. Once you’re done working out, they’ll help your muscles repair, so it’s really a win-win.

Unfortunately, while there are many benefits to BCAAs, they will break intermittent fasting because they contain calories. Save the BCCCs for your eating windows. You’ll still get all the great benefits without breaking your fast.

Key Takeaways

  • BCAAs can help boost energy and improve workout performance, making them a popular supplement for those looking to build muscle during intermittent fasting.
  • BCAAs contain calories and will break your fast, regardless of their potential benefits.
  • Intermittent fasting can be broken in two ways: consuming calories or triggering an insulin response. While BCAAs may not trigger an insulin response, they still count as calories and break your fast.
  • It’s important to stay hydrated while fasting and to make sure you’re getting enough nutrients to support your body during your eating window.
  • Ultimately, the decision to take BCAAs during your fast is up to you and your personal preferences and goals. Consider the potential benefits and weigh them against the impact on your fasting protocol.

How do You Break a Fast

You can break your intermittent fast in two different ways: consuming calories or triggering an insulin response. The most common way to break your fast is by eating or drinking something with calories. You know that eating food has calories, but many drinks also contain calories. Some daily vitamins contain calories, so you’re technically eating when you taking it – even if you don’t feel like it.

The other way you can break your fast is by triggering an insulin response. Adding no-calorie sweeteners to your coffee may not have any caloric value, but they will trigger an insulin response. Your body will break ketosis, which is when your body doesn’t have enough carbs to use for energy. Instead, your body will start to burn fat. This is the ideal state when you’re intermittent fasting, it’s when your body will burn the most fat, so it’s essential that your body stays in it for the longest time for the best results.

You can break one without breaking the other during intermittent fasting. For example, BCAAs have calories, and no matter how few, consuming them will break your fast. However, BCAAs are not thought to trigger an insulin response, so taking them will not break ketosis.

You’ll want to consider how strictly you’re adhering to intermittent fasting rules if you want to take BCAAs to help with your workouts. They count as calories, but at the end of the day, if they don’t break ketosis, does it really count? It’s up to you and your preference. Intermittent fasting is all about boosting weight loss, and you make the best choice for yourself. Ultimately, BCAAs, while beneficial, will break your fast.

Benefits of BCAAs

As you make up your mind if you want to break your fast by taking BCAAs, consider some of the benefits. Take BCAA supplements or powder before working out to help give you energy. You’ll be able to work out harder and longer, building muscles thanks to the amino acids. Or, if you prefer, you can take it after workouts to help with muscle fatigue. BCAAs help your muscles repair themselves, so you can have less downtime between sessions.

Working out can be a challenge when you’re fasting. It’s hard to find the energy when it feels like your stores are depleted, and that’s where taking BCAAs come in. It will help you dig deep because your body is treating it like protein, converting it in similar ways to keep you pushing forward, even when you don’t want to. Afterward, your body won’t feel as sore because you’re providing it with the nutrients and building blocks it needs to repair itself.

Taking BCAAs is also thought to help those with liver disease. With so many benefits, it’s no wonder you want to add this to your diet.

So Can I Take BCAAs While Fasting?

It’s up to you if you want to take BCAAs during your fasting windows. They do contain a small number of calories, but they do not break ketosis. Because they have calories, you will be breaking your fast.


  • Can you take BCAAs during intermittent fasting?

Taking BCAAs during intermittent fasting is not recommended, as they can trigger an insulin response and break the fasting state.

  • Why is it not recommended to take BCAAs during intermittent fasting?

Taking BCAAs during intermittent fasting can trigger an insulin response, breaking the fasted state and decreasing fat burning.

  • What happens if you take BCAAs during intermittent fasting?

BCAAs during intermittent fasting can break the fasting state and decrease fat burning. However, it can also increase insulin levels and affect the benefits of intermittent fasting.

  • Can taking BCAAs during intermittent fasting affect muscle growth?

While BCAAs are often used to support muscle growth and recovery, taking them during intermittent fasting may be less effective. This is because they can break the fasting state and potentially decrease the benefits of intermittent fasting.

  • What should you consume during intermittent fasting instead of BCAAs?

If you follow an intermittent fasting protocol, it is best to stick to water and other non-caloric beverages during fasting.

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer

Andrew Brewer started Fastingapps.com to give people the guidance that he never received when he was first starting. His goal is to make your goals achievable and to offer you only the best fasting apps that the internet has to offer. You're not on your own - Andrew and the entire family of reviewers at Fastingapps.com are here with you every step of the way!